Yellow clouds, purple deser ts, pink trees, a blue moon… These are what the little girl saw in that alien world – a peculiar universe that Oowa could have never imagined.
Oowa believed the colours she saw were distorted, and insisted that the clouds should be white, the deserts be sandy brown, the trees be green, and the moon be yellow. He tried to show her the true colours, but his recital of the world came to her as nothing more than unfamiliar words.
But Oowa kept trying, and his efforts finally seemed to conjure up real images of the world.
“Can you see the moon in yellow now?”
“Even if I tell you I do, how could you be so sure that it’s a yellow moon? Some may say blue is yellow, just like me.”
They fell silent under the blue moon.
Every day, they followed the footsteps of the crowd and repeated the ritual of their daily lives. But on one unusual night – when the crowd drifted away and the blue moon descended – the strange world appeared again. For the very first time, Oowa stepped into the little gir l’s wor ld. Things were coloured in a way he had never seen – the pink stars, the silver sea, and the blue moon. Only now did he understand that while he could see the colours of the world, she could capture its essence…